adj. radiant, brilliant, emitting rays of light; emitting radiation; radial, arranged in rays, arranged as spokes radiating from a central point
adv. radiantly, brilliantly, while emitting light or radiation; radially, in the form of rays, with spokes radiating from a central point radiär Adj. 光芒四射的; 容光焕发的; 明亮照耀的; 洋溢着幸福的,光线的; 半径的; 放射状的
adj. radiant, brilliant, emitting rays of light; emitting radiation; radial, arranged in rays, arranged as spokes radiating from a central point
adv. radiantly, brilliantly, while emitting light or radiation; radially, in the form of rays, with spokes radiating from a central point
radiant, brilliant, emitting rays of light; emitting radiation; radial, arranged in rays, arranged as spokes radiating from a central point
(1)radiantly, brilliantly, while emitting light or radiation; radially, in the form of rays, with spokes radiating from a central point
Diese meist nur unter dem Mikroskop sichtbaren Veränderungen erscheinen als narbenähnliches Zentrum, von dem speichenförmig (radiär) angeordnete Milchgänge ausgehen. (Quelle: Berliner Zeitung 1999)
Durch temporäre Plombage durch Ballonauflagerung (radiär) (limbusparallel) (Quelle: Operationsbezeichnung)